Sunday, April 12, 2009

First Easter

I have always been a believer in God and Jesus. I grew up in the church, did communion, got baptized, went through confirmation, etc. However, I did not really understand what I was doing and why I was doing it. As I got older, I began to understand. I have not always done the right thing by God. I have let sin get in my way of good judgement. According to Pastor Todd (my pastor at Radius Church) I have had one foot in and one foot out the door. I believe that I still have one foot in and one foot out the door at times but my feet are mostly in the door of God. Is that possible to have them in at times and out at others? I know that sin gets us all but that is why Easter is one of my favorite holidays. It reminds me that Jesus loved us so much that he gave his life for us.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. John 11:25-26
That is so powerful. I pray that I will be able to lead Christian in the right direction of God so that he grows up with both of his feet in the door of God. However, I know that when he finds God it will be a powerful experience just as it was for me.
On that note, The Spivey's want to wish everyone a Happy Easter. We started our morning reading to Christian about the meaning of Easter. His Abbey (Shaun's mom) got him a story called "The Story of Easter." He really liked listening to the story.

We then headed to church with Omah, Aunt Renee, Uncle Chuch, and Carmen. What a great sermon and Christian actually stayed the whole time in church today. We did not have to take him to the "baby room." It was great being in church as a family.
Next, we headed to the Seeby's for a nice lunch and some Easter egg hunting. It was so much fun hunting eggs with Christian. Here are some pictures of our eventful and joyful day.

Our own personal Easter Bunny!

Daddy and Christian Easter egg hunting.

"Look Mommy an egg! Get it!"

Mommy and Christian hunting Easter eggs.

Family Easter Portrait

Another Family Portrait after Easter egg hunting. Christian found about $2 worth of money in his Easter eggs. We are not the best Easter egg hunters but we will get better as the years go by.

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