Saturday, April 11, 2009

The First of Many Firsts...

Yesterday Shaun and I did a few firsts with Christian. We went to Riverbanks Zoo (along with everyone else in South Carolina) and went swimming at Shaun's gym. Here are a few photos of our wonderful first memories...

The zoo (Christian did not care much for the animals. He was more of a people watcher while we were there)...

Daddy, Christian and the giraffes. We got to see the baby giraffe and he was so cute.

Daddy, Christian and the Elephants. We got to see them pray themselves with mud and call using their trunks. It was really neat. Of course, Christian did not care.

Look Christian the bear cubs are play fighting.

Daddy, Christian, and the two fighting bear cubs.

Look Christian it is a monkey just like you.

Mommy and Christian posing on the tiger.

Daddy and Christian looking at a turkey. Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.

Look Christian the Easter Bunny!

Daddy and Christian feeding the goats. We tried to get Christian to do it but he would not hold the food.

Christian is worn out. There was lots to see and lots to do.

The pool (once again he was more of a people watcher instead of a swimmer...ha)

What is this cold stuff on my toes?

Got to warm up to the water first before diving on in.

Look at Christian swimming. He was kicking his feet for a while. He is going to be the next Olympic swimmer.

Daddy and Christian swimming in circles.

Mommy and Christian swimming. I am tryig to get him to kick his feet. Not wanting to do it.

This is pretty fun!

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