Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Christmas Morning

I thought that this title would get your attention. Well, I feel like a little girl on Christmas morning right now. You know that anxious, excited, and happy feeling. The "I can't wait to see what Santa brought me" feeling. The "Hey sis, can we go downstairs and wake up mom and dad?" feeling. The "Oh my gosh, I hope I got all the things on my list" feeling. Why am I feeling like a little girl on Christmas morning you ask? Well, Shaun, Christian, and I are heading to Garden City for our first family vacation. Shaun's family has a beach house in Garden City and every year we go down around this time for our "vacation time." Well, this year we have a new family member who will be gracing the house. I am oh sooooooooooo excited. I just can not wait.

I can't wait to put Christian's toes in the water and have the waves splash over his toes.
I can't wait to have Christian rub his hands in the sand and feel the millions of wet grains wash over his hands.
I can't wait to go walking along the pier and have Christian feel a scaly, shiny, fish with his tiny hands (don't put it in your mouth wipes and hand sanitizer ready at all times).
I can't wait to see his reaction when the cool breeze hit his face as we walk along the beach at night and people are shooting fireworks.
I can't wait to feed him on the porch in the morning as the sun is rising...just him, I, the birds, God, and our thoughts and prayers, rocking away.
I can't wait to rock him to sleep at night on the porch.

There will be many first on this trip and I just can't wait. Pictures to come...

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