Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a MOTHER'S Day!

Oh, what a Mother's Day I had this year. I think it is a trend that Shaun and I are having. Can you believe that one year ago from last Sunday (Mother's Day) is when we told our families that we were expecting. I can't. It seems like yesterday that we saw these shocked faces...
My mom when she found out...

Shaun's Mom when she found out...

These were certainly some priceless moments.
Oh, but let me tell you about a priceless moment...a new priceless moment that I had on this Mother's Day. When I woke up on Sunday morning I was not my 100% perky, bubbly, excited self. Yes, I feel those are some good qualities that I poses. Let me just say...I was SICK. That is right, I was sick on MOTHER's DAY! I could not have been more upset. It was certainly not how I envisioned my first Mother's Day would be. When you think of the special day that celebrates you as a mother, you don't imagine that you will be feeling like poo and sick all day, but that was me.
However, Shaun and Christian made me feel well. Shaun served me breakfast in bed: omelet in the shape of a heart and a piece of toast. That is right my man can cook. I played with Christian as much as I could unless I thought I was going to get sick. I did not want to get to close because I did not want to get him sick as well. I also tried to help Shaun out in the yard. Friday, we had planted some flowers and bushes in our front yard and did not get to finish, so I felt bad that he was out there doing it himself. I did get to help a little but not a lot.
So, I am praying that next year will be better and we will actually get to church and get a family picture of us on Mother's Day. Even though I was not feeling good, it was a great day because just looking at Christian reminds me that I am the luckiest mother in the world (I am sure all moms are thinking the same thing...and you should be because you are).

1 comment:

Hoover Family said...

Hope you are feeling better soon! I called you back yesterday- call me at night if you can, it's easier to get me then!