Wednesday, June 24, 2009

7 Months Old...WOW

Dear Christian,

WOW, WOW, WOW! I can't believe that you are 7 months old today. It seems so surreal. When I look back on our 7 month journey as a family, I feel like we have only been on this road for about 4 or 5 months. Oh, how time flies when you are having so much fun. I just hope that we don't blink and we are sending you off to college. Please promise me that you will not grow up that fast. We love you so much; more than words can say or express.


Love, Mommy and Daddy

7 Things Christian is Doing at 7 Months Old:
  • sitting up all by himself for long periods of time and playing with the toys around him.
  • holding himself up on all fours (both hands and knees). He really wants to crawl he just can't get it.
  • rocking back and forth while he is up on all fours like he is winding himself up to take off crawling.
  • eating Gerber puffs and hating every minute of it...ha. The faces he makes when he put one in his mouth are priceless.
  • trying to hold his bottle and sippy cup up and tilt his head back at the same time so that he can drink out of them. It is hard to get the good stuff out of them when they are sitting on the floor or in his lap and he tilts his head down to the nipple. Nothing comes out does it sweetheart.
  • trying to feed himself after mommy really feeds him the good stuff. However, he sure does make a mess with that spoon and leftover food. In mommy's mind, the spoon is really for teething purposes...his new chew toy at the table. No teeth yet but, oh my gosh, could they come in yet?!?
  • Standing up by himself for a few seconds while holding on to something...table or exersaucer.

Here are some 7 month pictures of my little man:
Christian reading, Goodnight Moon. Yes, it is upside down but at least he has a book in his hand, ha.
My handsome little man.


Holly said...

Such cute photos! He sounds adorable! :)

Erin Lee said...

I know that book goodnight moon very well ;) Kinda creepy that the cop gets in bed with them right? hahaha - is that Shaun?

Erin Lee said...

BTW - happy 7 months C dawg! ;) - soooo cute with that red hair!