Monday, June 1, 2009

"Look at What I Can Do!"

Look at what Christian can do...

At his doctor's appointment on Thursday, Dr. G. asked us if Christian was sitting up. We told him that he was sitting up for a few seconds and then would fall over. He was not sitting up for any longer than 5 seconds unassisted. Well, that night we certainly ate our words. Shaun was sitting with him and playing and he called me into the living room. Christian he had been sitting by himself for about a minute he said. Of course, I missed it. He just got it, like that (if you could see me I am snapping my finger right now). Well, he just took off from there. Now, he is a sitting fool. However, I am not 100% comfortable leaving him by himself yet. He is still a little unstable. Maybe he really is but that is just me being the over-protective parent.


The other day I wrote that Christian LOVES his new sippy cup. Well, as for the LOVE part that is big fat LIE. Ever since Saturday he has not wanted to drink out of his sippy cup. When we try to give him his bottle he screams and turns his head. I think he thinks it is his sippy cup. I don't know if he is not really ready for the sippy cup or if it that particular sippy cup. We got the NUK 6+ month sippy cup. Do any of you new or advanced moms out there have any suggestions on sippy cups and how to transition your child from bottles to sippy cups? I don't want Christian to not take his bottle but I don't want to not do the transition from bottle to sippy cup either. Any suggestions?


Hollie Heming said...

We use the sippy cups with a soft spout, like a bottle nipple. That seemed to do the trick for Will. We still haven't tried the harder plastic ones yet.

Jenny Garris said...

We started with the soft ones too but quickly used a variety. If he is teething, he may chew them so be careful---some hold up better than others! Joel seemed to grasp onto the ones with handles well and liked doing it by himself. My favorite one has a plastic lid/cover that is great for traveling. Maybe let him "play" with it for awhile to explore it and see if that helps him reject it less. ?? I don't know---just an idea! Good luck! :)

Jennifer said...

My only advice for sippy cups is keep trying until he finds one he likes :) Mine never liked the really soft spout ones, they just chewed on them and leaked juice everywhere!
Jennifer Coons

Shannon said...

From our pediatric dentist, the NUBY sippy cups are the worst and should be taken off the market. I always used them with Rivers and Alyssa until I met Dr. Turner. It does something to the teeth. She suggested anything with hard tops which is hard I think when you are first trying to get your child to go from the bottle to the sippy cup. Hope this helps.

Ashleigh Turner said...

We started Caroline with the soft spout (Avent and Munchkin), and she just chewed on it - which was okay bc she was still getting the opportunity to practice with it and it seemed to make her gums feel better. We then tried out the hard ones (the Take&Toss ones) and she is doing great with these. I didn't start introducing the cups until about a month ago, so I was a little late, I guess. Good luck! I think its probably going to take a little trial and error - just like everything else! :)