Saturday, June 6, 2009

Summer Plans

First off, I want to thank those who left advice about the sippy cups. All the advice/help is great. The more the merrier around the Spivey household. We are certainly trying it all. We tried out the Gerber sippy cup and Christian has been doing the same thing with this one as he did with the NUK...playing with it and taking it for a while and then screaming and throwing a fit. When it is bottle time he then does the same thing...screams and throws a fit. So, what I think we are going to do is just give it to him to play with and chew on. Not really to drink out of but to just chew on, play with, and get use to. Then we will introduce it as a "sippy cup". Just like my friend Ashleigh said..."it is a whole lot of trial and error." BOY IS SHE RIGHT!


School's Out For Summer! What just popped into your head...was it Alice Cooper's 1972 hit song "School's Out"? That is what popped into my head when I thought of that line. Anyway, I have lots of summer plans for Christian and I. I just can't wait because this is my time to be a "stay at home" mom. That is the blessing of being a teacher. Our plans are...
  • Saluda Shoals water park
  • Mommy and Me play dates
  • playing at the pool
  • Riverbank Zoo
  • picnics at the park
  • playing at the park
  • picnics at the state house
  • feeding the squirrels at the state house
  • miniature putt-putt (had so much fun at the beach, why not do it here)
  • Charleston trip to visit some of our closest friends and my Aunt Summer
  • walks across the dam

I know I could think of many, many more things but my mind is blank right now. That is what happens to it at 10:30 at night these days. I just can't wait to spend my summer with my little monkey and books, paper work, phone calls, parent-teacher conferences, etc. Just FUN, FUN, FUN!

1 comment:

Hoover Family said...

That's awesome having the summer to play around! Yall have a GREAT time...also take him to the zoo!!