Monday, June 8, 2009

Just the Beginning

It is just the beginning of a long, fun-filled, summer. Yesterday after church, we headed over to Omah's house (my mom) for a cook-out and some swimming. Even though the water was below freezing (or so we thought) it was soooooooooo much fun. This is going to have to become a Sunday tradition...hamburgers (without onion Lipton soup mix...ha, ha, mom) and swimming. Here are some pictures and a video of Christian in his duck float...

Christian just has to put everything in his mouth...even Carmen's swimmy.

Omah and Christian...see everything (even the foot) has to go in the mouth.

Ha, Daddy can't even go swimming without getting love'n.

Wow, daddy this water is cold but fun!

Mommy and Christian.

Christian loved his Quacker float. When you squeezed part of the float it made a sound like a duck. He thought it was the funniest thing. Check it out...

What a fun day we had!!!
A fun day was finished with a fun night. Christian is now sitting by himself, so Shaun and I thought it was time for him to move out of his baby tub and into a sit up tub. So we went to Babies R Us to purchase one. We got the best one there...ha. It is a blow up duck. That is right. You read that right. We got our son a bath tub that blows up into the shape of a duck and lots of toys for him to play with in the tub. Last night was his first time taking a bath in it and he had the best time. We spent about 30 to 40 minutes in the bathtub just playing. Here are some pictures...

Christian in his duck bath tub.

Christian was having so much fun, Rockey wanted to get in with him.


Heather and Travis said...

Isn't swimming the best? Looks like you guys had a blast.

Love the duck bath tub. When MK is sitting up good on her own we will have to invest in one of those. Looks like fun.

I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!! You look amazing! All ready for summer!!

Jenny Garris said...

I loved it when Joel was finally able to sit up and play in the bath tub!! SO much fun!
Christian is getting so big and seems like he is always smiling!
:) Jenny