Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I am very sad today. I feel like I have been surrounded by sad, bad, upsetting, and difficult news this year. Yes, I have had my fair share of good news but for some reason the bad is out-weighing the good (or that is how my heart is feeling).

I was talking with my mom and my aunt Renee the other day and we were talking about babies and how so many of my friends have had difficult pregnancies this year with either miracle endings or "going home to live with Jesus" endings. Mom was saying that when she were younger and having children that you would not hear about early deliveries, children born with disorders, stillborn children, or children who lost their fight with life and went to live with Jesus as much as we do today. So, why is that? Why is it so prominent now for all these problems? I am not saying that it did not happen back then of course, but was it just not talked about or did it just happen less?

Well, the reason for this post is because the lady that keeps Christian is going to be facing a very sad day tomorrow. Her step-daughter is going to be giving birth tomorrow. Her (the step-daughter) son has a very rare (1 in 300,000 are effected) syndrome. I am not sure what it is called but basically he is as healthy as an ox inside her womb but will not be able to survive on his own outside the womb. His lungs and chest cavity are very, very small and are not big enough to keep him breathing on his own. They are giving him about 6 to 8 hours to live. Her step-daughter has had her good and bad days since finding out. A lady at her church told her to think of herself as an surragent mom for an angel of Jesus. What a powerful thing! Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

Another friend is in need of your thoughts and prayers. This is a friend that I went to grad school with. She found out last week that their baby girl has has been diagnosed with a rare chromosome disorder that has reduced her (the baby's) life expectancy to zero. They ended up inducing her pregnancy last night for her health because of the baby's disorder. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as they say goodbye to their little baby girl.

You never know what each day has in store for us. Only God knows the plan and path he has for us. I thank him each and every day for what he has given me. I don't know what tomorrow will bring and I may not be 100% ready for it but I know that I have God on my side. I know that he will be there for me to help me through the things that I find difficult and struggle through. He certainly has been there for me a lot this year. I certainly have called on him to help answer a lot of questions. I certainly have prayed for things that he has granted. I certainly have cried over things that he has done that I just don't understand. God has a reason for all the things that he does. He is a powerful God and my one and only leader.

I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.

Psalms 86:12

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