Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Stomping Grounds....

Yesterday Christian spend his first time out on my old stomping grounds...Lake Murray. Growing up I sent my summers out on Lake Murray and yesterday was Christian's first time out on the lake. Yes, once mommy got over her heart failure, we went out on the boat. We went over to a great friend's house that I use to work with...Kristin. Her husband is a professional fisherman. That is right, we hang with professionals, ha ha. We had so much fun.
Christian hated his life jacket at first but he started to like it once he realized that mommy was not taking it off. Here are some pictures of our day...
Christian lounging on the boat before we took off.
Christian lounging in the pool on the boat.
"Mom, this is not fun. Why did you say this was going to be fun? Where is your life jacket?"
"Well, maybe it is a little bit of fun."
The sun, water, lake, and boat engine will certainly put you to sleep, even when you look like a big, blue Michelin Man.
Christian and Laken playing in the pool together. Cute couple.

Oh those fun, memories and traditions that I will get to pass down to Christian. My stomping grounds will now get to become his stomping grounds.


Hollie Heming said...

I know y'all had a blast together. I hope it wasn't too hot for you :).

Erin Lee said...

I love the picture of Shaun and Christian and his hair is just gorgeous!! I hope you get to spend more time with him now that school is out.