Saturday, July 25, 2009

8 Months Old

I can't believe that I forgot to post about my little monkey turning 8 months old. I guess with our crazy lives these last few days I get a break, right?!? Well, Christian turned 8 months old on the 24th and I just can not believe it. Time sure does fly when you are having fun...even when you are getting thrown up and pooped on...ha.

Well, we are not 100% better yet but we are making it. Christian is still running a low grade fever. It is around 100.2 but that is not stopping him. He is running, I mean, crawling around like crazy and having fun. We are suppose to go out of town as a family on Monday and I am just hoping and praying that he is 100% better so that we don't have to worry about it while we are away.

Anyway, back to my little man turning 8 months. Here are some of the things that Christian is doing at 8 months...
  • He is crawling around like a speeding bullet. He is so fast that one minute he is in the living room and the next he is in the kitchen. If you blink you will miss him.
  • He loves to be up on his feet. He would rather be walking around holding our hands then crawling on the floor. When he is holding our hands and walking he gets so excited and happy.
  • He is pulling up on things all by himself.
  • He is so curious about his surroundings. He is such an explorer. He explores the whole house.
  • He loves to clap and if you clap with him he thinks it is so funny.
  • He is eating all kinds of table food. Whatever we are eating we give him a taste of it. While on vacation, he tried lima beans and parts of a spinach wrap. He loved them both.
  • He is now 21 lbs and wearing size 3 diapers still.
  • He loves to play with Rockey and Mickey, especially their tails and their toys.
  • He loves to play with toys that he can make roll and make noise. He likes to bang on toys.
  • He has found our faces and noses. He loves to touch them while he is falling asleep.
  • He likes when I caress his face and rub my hand through his hair. It helps him fall asleep.

I can't think of anything else off the top of my head right now, but I am sure there are more things that he is doing. I just can't believe that he is so big. We are going to celebrating his 1st birthday before we know it.

Here is a picture of my little 8 month old monkey...

Here is a video of my little monkey pulling up...

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