Monday, July 27, 2009

Still A Go-Go

So, apparently Christian is not having an allergic reaction to his amoxicillin. We went to see Dr. G. this morning, but we actually had to see Dr. D instead. Dr. G was not in today. I guess doctors have to take vacations too, ha. That was alright because we love them both.
Anyway, Christian is just have a reaction to the amoxicillin that is causing him to have bad diarrhea. The diarrhea is causing yeast to grow around his penis area and on his bottom. Sounds pretty intense, huh?!? Well, let me just tell you, it looks intense.
So, we have been informed to keep giving the warm baths, the Lotrim Cream, and to give him yogurt (YoBaby) to help with the yeast infection. We are also suppose to let him roam diaper free for as long as possible to help the yeast get fresh air. All of these things are suppose to help clear up the yeast infection and get rid of it.
So, this morning before we headed off to the doctor's office, I let Christian roam around the kitchen naked as a jay bird. Let me tell you how much of an adventure that was. We had three accidents before we headed off to the warm bath.
Dr. D said that it was okay if we still headed down to the beach, so Charleston (Folly Beach) here we come. I made sure to ask if it was okay for him to get in the ocean with his bottom the way that it is and Dr. D said it was a-ok. I am sure that the sand might not feel all that great but we will try to keep him out of it as much as possible.



Hollie Heming said...

Oh Donna!! Y'all are having a rough time, huh??!! Poor Christian. I know you're having such a hard time. Hopefully it will clear up soon. I hope you are able to enjoy the vacation in Folly. See you soon.

Ashleigh Turner said...

Bless his heart!! I hope Christian is feeling better!! Looks like you had a wonderful vacation.