Thursday, July 9, 2009

We Are Here

Whoever said that teachers have it made because they get summers off were absolutely WRONG. That is such a fib. I have been so busy working and taking classes this summer that I have been going crazy. However, we are back...ha.

I have so much to talk about since we have not posted in a while. Christian has done so many things that it just puts a huge smile on my face. It is so amazing how much a 7 month old does and goes through in one week. It just makes my mouth drop to the ground. I am really going to be sending him off to kindergarten before I know it.

Well, first off when Shaun took Christian to the doctor the other day for his first cold, he weighed in at 20 lbs 6 ozs. That is right, I have a future linebacker on my hands. We have moved him from his infant car seat to a convertible car seat. Here is my linebacker and his new car seat...

While Shaun was talking to Dr. G about Christian's cold, he asked him about Christian eating table food. Dr. G told us that we could start introducing table food to him; however, we needed to make sure if was small and soft. So, Christian has been going to town tasting some of our food. He has had small bites of...

  • bananas (did not like them...throw them back up)
  • real applesauce
  • french fries
  • hamburger meat (from Shaun's spaghetti)
  • noodles (from Shaun's spaghetti)
  • black beans
  • waffles
  • Cinnamon muffin
  • wild cherry icee

Yes, you certainly heard right, a wild cherry icee. We went to the zoo yesterday and Shaun and I got icees. Christian could not take his eyes off of it. So, we let him try it...BIG MISTAKE! He loved it and keep coming back for more. When we left his bib was red and so was his mouth.

"What is this stuff?" YUM


He is on the verge of crawling forward. He is so close that it is not even funny. Everyday we think "today is the day" but then we are sadly mistaken. However, I am not given up, "tomorrow is the day," HA! He is also trying and starting to pull up on things with assistance. He is standing up by himself unassisted. By unassisted, I mean with me holding him. He still has to hold on to something himself. If he is in his pack and play I do not have to stand behind him and try to catch him if he falls. However, if he is on the floor holding on to his exersaucer or one of his toys for standing up, I am right there behind him ready to catch his wobbly self. Of course, he is not very sturdy on his legs yet but he can do it. It is only a matter of time before he is off running around. OH HAPPY DAYS! Here is a video of him standing up in his pack and play...

Gosh what else has happened...we went to Charleston for the 4th to visit some dear friends and aunt Summer. I will post those pictures tomorrow and if I think of anything else you know I will let you know. Like I said before "this teacher is pooped out and needs a little 'summer time' with her little Christian angel."

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