Monday, July 13, 2009

What Color Is...?

A few weeks ago, I took a class through our school district. Everyday we shared something about ourselves. It was kind of like an introduction, getting-to-know-you activity. One of the questions that the instructor would always throw at us was "What color do you feel today?" One of my co-workers on the first day said that she was worried and wanted to know what color that was. Since that time, I have been thinking about that and wondering what colors are emotions. This is what my thinking came to in regards to Christian...

What Color Is...?

What color is worry?
~fevers, colds,
bumps, bruises...
What color is worry?

What color is adore?
~laughter, smiles,
hugs, kisses...
What color is adore?

What color is fear?
~a friendship, a closeness,
a bond, a lifetime...
What color is fear?

What color is fasinate?
~strength, love,
growth, life...
What color is fasinate?

I am full of emotions
as I watch you grow
~worry, adore, fear, fasinate~
fill my heart each day with color.

What colors are emotions?

1 comment:

The Proverbs Wife said...

Hi there Donna.

We've never met but your sister and I are good friends. When I visited your site I looked through your pictures and saw John. So I went back to your site to see what your name was and I remembered Kristi Z. telling me about Shannon having a sister named Donna.

It's so nice to meet you (here in bloggy land)

I hope that we will meet some day face to face. Thank you for adding my site to your blog roll.