Tuesday, August 25, 2009

9: What a Number

9. What a number. 7 used to be my favorite number. I am not sure why. Maybe it was because it was my number playing softball (that did not last long), maybe it was because that is how many years I completed in gymnastics, or maybe it was because that is how many year I cheered. Who knows. All I know is that my favorite number these days is how ever old Christian is. Today it is 9.

I just can't believe that Christian is 9 months old today. I think back to last August and I was just beginning to really feel him kick. Now, he is trying to stand and walk by himself. He would take off tomorrow if he could. Wow, what 9 months makes.

Here are some things that Christian is doing at 9 months old:

  • He loves to give zerberts. It is so funny. We have always given him zerberts since he was born and now he is giving them back.
  • He is standing by himself for about 10 seconds or so at a time. He is a little daredevil. Scares mom to death but thrills himself to death.
  • He is walking with the help of our hands. He took two steps the other day by himself and then hit the floor.! How exciting
  • He just started cutting his first tooth (bottom right) yesterday. What a day to do it. It is peaking through just a tiny, tiny bit.
  • He is eating lots of real food. He loves to feed himself. It is not very neat but he loves to do it. Of course we stick to solid foods (lima beans, hamburger meat, etc.) for him to feed to himself. Not anything liquid.
  • He ate pound cake for the first time on Sunday at church. He LOVED it and wanted MORE!
  • He is sitting up on his knees.
  • He is biting...ha. Not on purpose but it sure does hurt.
  • He loves giving kisses (open, sloppy, kisses). LOVE THEM THOUGH!
  • He is saying ma ma, da da, and ba ba. He started with ma ma and is now saying da da ALL the time.

Here is my little monkey at 9 months old.

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