Wednesday, August 26, 2009

9 Months and Growing

BOY! And I mean BOY are we 9 months and growing. Today was Christian's 9 month wellness visit and I could not have asked God for a better gift...a healthy, growing, little boy. Dr. G. said that Christian looked great and that he saw those little teeth coming through. So, that explains all the drooling, nasty diapers, non-eating habits, etc...ha.

When we got in the waiting room I could not believe that I was there for Christian's 9 month wellness visit. Then when Dr. G. came in and mentioned it as well (Dr. G. and I went to high school together, so it is just weird to think of us both with children) I was about in tears. I remember sitting in the waiting room with Christian and Shaun 4 days after he was born. We were there for his 4 day old visit. It seems like yesterday that my little 6 lb 10 oz baby was a helpless person. Now, he is full of pizazz and personality, ready to take on the world.

Head: 13 (6th percentile)
Length: 19.4 (4th percentile)
Weight: 6.10 (5th percentile)

Head: 18 (62nd percentile)
Length: 30 (93rd percentile)
Weight: 21.13 (70th percentile)

Look at me growing...
Christian 3 days old.
Christian at 9 months old and 1 day.

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