Friday, August 28, 2009

What Is This?

It is flat.
It is a circle.
It has ridges on the edges.
It is made of wheat.
It has small holes in the middle.
It is crunchy.

What is this?

This is what Christian was thinking tonight at dinner when I gave him his first Ritz cracker to eat. He keep looking at it. He twisted and turned it around in his hands about 5 million times. Then he decided to put it in his mouth and try it.

Wow, this is pretty good.
It melts in my mouth when I start to chew.
It crumbs when I bite it (with my gums still).

This is what Christian was thinking after he put the Ritz cracker in his mouth. He could not get enough of them. He had crumbs (wet and dry) everywhere. However, it was a "good-ole mess."

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