Monday, September 7, 2009

What A Day!

As I sit here and think back on our Labor Day I can not believe the road that it took. I sat here tonight at this very table and watched my little monkey feed himself. He has been feeding himself all weekend. Now, I don't mean with a spoon and fork but anything that he can pick up and put in his mouth by himself he is all over it.

He had not been eating very well lately and I just assumed that it was because of his teeth. Now, it probably was to some degree but through talking with a friend at work, we have come to realize that he just wanted to do it himself. HUMMMMMMMM, wonder where he gets that from. I remember months ago I was in tears trying to get little monkey to eat off of me (hard times) and now he doesn't need me at all...tears again.

Can't touch this. These are my green beans.
What?!? I'll do it myself.

Also, today I noticed that his bottom left tooth is really showing and the one beside (bottom right) it is about to make its debut. I just can't believe it. Last week we were fighting to get those teeth in and now they are just popping through. Once he lets me get a picture of those teeth they will make their debut on the blog.

Now, I saved the best for last. I just can not believe what today held for us. We are in the presence of a "walker." A wobbly walker but a walker. For about a week or so he has been taking a step here and a step there then falling down. He has been walking with our fingers for a while now but today he decided he wanted more. Once again I wonder who that sounds like?!? He has walked all over the living room, of course with lots of falls in between.

The next two videos are sideways. I had the camera sideways and I can't figure out (if there is a way) to rotate videos once they are downloaded to the computer. If you know how to please let me know. Anyways, they are the best ones that I took (you will get the gist of it).

Don't you just love a baby in diapers...ha.


Heather and Travis said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I can't believe he is walking. That is AWESOME!!! Don't they grow up so fast!!

Sure miss seeing you at school. Hope to see you soon!

Jenny Garris said...

He has great balance! How exciting! I have an independent little guy too (hmmm)--especially when it comes to feeding himself, so I can totally relate!
It was great to see you today!

Anonymous said...

Donna - he is adorable! And I love that he is already singing Go Cocks! Just like his momma ;) I hope you are well and hanging in there. I havent talked to you in a while but I think about you often! Say hi to Shaun too. And I am sorry to hear about your family friend :( My deepest sympathy. You guys are in my prayers!