Monday, October 12, 2009


Christian got his first BOO BOO this weekend. Of course with him walking everywhere he is going to get them. Here's what happened. I know it looks worse to me then it will to you.

He was at Omah's house and they were playing on the back deck. Christian was walking all around...nothing unusual for him to do. When all of a sudden his feet came out from under him and he fell...head first into the post on the deck. It left a pretty little knot on his head, a scratch, and a bruise but nothing that my little man could not handle. He was back up and walking in 10 seconds flat.

Pictures don't capture the real injuries...ha.

Got a BOO BOO but I am smiling.

Just because he is so DARN cute...I know I am being bias here, but mommies can do that.

1 comment:

Jenny Garris said...

Oh, that is so hard! Seeing them all banged up -- hurts us more than them, right? I also think Christian looks so much like you in that last picture! Adorable!! He is getting so big!