Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

I guess every Miracle has its good, bad and ugly. We have certainly had our fair share of them the last few weeks. So, in an updated, much needed, longed-for post I will fill you in...

The Good
  • Christian has gotten his top, right, front tooth. It was not pleasant coming through, but it made its appearance last Monday and is looking great. So, we are now at three teeth and counting.
  • Christian is pointing at everything and saying "dada" or "bye bye" or "da". It is just amazing watching him figure out the world around him and question it in his own way. I am sure we are not far from "What's that?"
  • Christian is now standing up on his own. No more crawling over to things and pulling up on them to stand up. He has been walk for about 2 months now and it has been so funny to watch him fall down, crawl over to something just to stand back up to walk around.
  • Christian is now doing his own kind of "dancing." When he hears music come on he will start stomping his feet back and forth and prancing in place. It is quit funny. I am sure a video will be in the near future.
  • Christian has also learned how to make himself dizzy. He likes to turn in circles and then try to walk forwards. Why, you ask? I have no idea. How did he learn this, you ask? I have no idea he just started that this weekend. Once again, I am sure a video will not be far away.
  • Christian just started drinking whole milk yesterday. NO MORE FORMULA! YEAH! He absolutely loves it. We were not sure if we were going to have to mix it and ween him off but we ran out of formula, so Dr. G. said that we could start whole milk. We tried it and he drank it like he had not drank in years.

The Bad

Because I am a teacher I know what it is like to send home those note to parents that state their kids had a rough day and tomorrow will be a better one. Well, I just never thought (until it happened) that I would get one of those notes from Christian's nanny. Yes, his teachers but not his nanny! Ha, my little 11 month old already getting notes sent home saying today was a rough day. I had to save it and put in his baby book.

The note said he was throwing food on the floor, screaming, yelling, throwing temper-tantrums, etc. (just having a rough day). Well, yesterday I got another not-so-good note from his nanny. "Are you kidding me, son? Do I need to bring out the teacher eyes on you?" When I got there to pick him up she said that he had been trying to slap/hit her in the face all day (not out of being mean or because he was mad). He thought it was funny. When she would tell him no he would laugh. "What are you kidding me?" So, we had a little discussion about the "Golden Rule." Yes, I know he is young and has NO IDEA what I am saying but it is never to young to start. The more they hear it the more they will know (hopefully, cross your fingers and say a little prayer for us). TIME OUT HERE WE COME!

The Ugly

Christian has his first cold of the season. He is all runny and has a bad cough. I just hope that he gets better before his first birthday. I called Dr. G today and he told me to continue with the Allegra until he is better. He also told me not to worry about his cough or runny nose. If the cough and runny nose start to cause problems with his everyday routine then come in to see them; otherwise, there was nothing they could do. GREAT! This could be a very memorable 1st birthday if he does not get better. Maybe I should have individual birthday cakes this year...ha.

No matter what your age, life doesn't always deal you the best hand. We have to take what we are given and work with it. We have taken the GOOD and celebrated it. We have taken the BAD and worked on correcting it. We have taken the UGLY and tried to heal it. God's miracles always have a good, a bad, and an ugly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a big boy! That is hilarious about the note from his nanny...definitely a keeper. He is too cute. Precious halloween pictures. I came by LMES today, but didn't get around to see everyone...I will be back soon. Thanks so much for the baby food. Love and miss you!