Monday, November 23, 2009


I am truly a Bailey.

I know that my last name is Spivey, but I am truly a Bailey at heart. I know some of you are saying "That is awful, she should want to take her husband's name and be proud of it." Oh, I do and I wish that I was a true Spivey, but I am blessed with the Bailey blood.

I thought that being Irish you had the "LUCK OF THE IRISH." Oh no, I think that tradition, myth, or whatever it is skipped my family because us Bailey's are full of BAD LUCK.

That is why I am truly a Bailey.

Let me start from the beginning...

Tomorrow is Christian's first birthday, so of course Shaun and I ran around like mad men last week getting ready for his first birthday party on Saturday. We were so excited about it. Well, the SpIT hit the fan starting on Monday.

Monday: Monday night Shaun had his last kick ball game. Christian and I decided not to go because I had to much to do in order to get ready for the big party on Saturday...two scrapbooks to make. Well, it was not easy working on his scrapbooks with Shaun not here to keep him entertained with his toys instead of playing with my scrapbook toys. So, I was sitting on the floor playing with one of his toys and he was walking around the living room. All of a sudden I heard...BANG, CRRRRYYYYY! I jumped up, ran to him, and pick him up. When I looked at him, he ALREADY had a huge goose-egg that was black and blue on his forehead. I totally freaked out. I ran to the kitchen to put some ice on it but yeah right like he was going to let me do that. I tried to call Shaun to see if I should take him to the Urgent Care because it just keep getting bigger and black and bluer. He, of course, did not answer because he was playing kick ball, so I called my mom. She told me to do what I thought was best but remember that there were going to be a lot of flu and swine flu patients up at the Urgent Care. So, after a L O N G debate I decided to just watch it for a while and see how it got and how he acted. After about an hour and a half the goose egg was going down and he was back to playing and to his normal self. So, no Urgent Care visit thank God.

Tuesday: If you thought Monday was traumatic, Tuesday morning just added even more trauma. On the way to school, crossing the dam, I was talking to Christian and looking at him in the rear-view mirror. When I looked back forward there was a Canadian Goose. A freak'n Canadian Goose. What happened next you ask...well, I ran right over him. Yes, ran right over him...twice. I thought I was going to die. I just started crying because I hate it when I hit animals or when I see animals dead in the middle of the road. However, I have NEVER seen a Canadian Goose in the middle of the road dead, but there is a first for everything. You know you hear of people hitting squirrels, raccoons, possums, etc. but not Canadian Geese. Do you want to know what else...that sucker cracked my bumper when I hit him. What else could go wrong, right? I thought the same thing.

Thursday: During school/work I started to get the sore throat and achy body thing. However, I just thought it was because I was running around like crazy getting ready for Christian's big party/day. When I got home that night I just keep feeling worse and worse but I was not running a fever. I told Shaun that I had to go to bed because I was just not feeling well. Great, I hope I was not getting sick because Christian's party was on Saturday.

Friday: When I woke up on Friday morning, I was still feeling achy and had a sore throat. However, I was not running a fever. So, I got up and went to work. Shaun said he thought I should make an appointment to see Dr. B., so when he opened at 8:00 I gave him a call. I got an appointment at 11:50. By the time I left school at 11:30, I was achy, had a sore throat, freezing, had a temperature, and thought I was going to die. I felt like CRAMP. After sitting at the doctor's office for 3 hours, I left with the diagnosis of Strep Throat and a shot in my butt. It was WONDERFUL. I came straight home and went to bed and did not wake up until Saturday morning. Thank you Super Daddy for your hard work with Christian.

Saturday (day of party): On Saturday, I tried to get out of the bed and help get ready for the party. While I was helping, I started to feel really hot and nauseous. I was having a reaction to the pain medicine that Dr. B. gave me. GREAT back to bed it was until the party started. I got out of bed on Saturday long enough to attend the the party. When we came back home from the party, I went straight to bed and did not get up until Sunday morning...feeling 90% better.

So, like I said, I am a Bailey a heart and if you don't believe me just reread the above post. Does anyone know how to change your bad luck into good luck? I would really like to be a Spivey.

Christian's birthday party pictures will be posted soon.

1 comment:

Heather and Travis said...

Happy 1st Birthday, Christian! We love you.

My goodness, girl! You have had quite a time. Hope you are feeling better soon!