Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Year of My Heart Melting

Dear Christian,
On November 24, 2008 at 3:42 pm, I heard the most precious sound that I have ever heard in my entire life. It was you crying right after you were born.
At that moment I was filled with so many different emotions; happiness, exhaustion, thankfulness, worry, etc. However, when the nurse put you in my arms all those emotions turned into one: true love - love at first sight - unconditional love.

Now, as I watch you walk around this house, pointing and talking/babbling to all of your toys and wonders of the world; I am just in amazement of all the special memories and moments that we have shared over this past year and all the special memories and moments that are to come. I keep thinking "Oh I can't wait for _______", but I have to stop and remind myself that I have to stop wishing your life away and take one day, moment, and memory at a time. All these special times and events will come at their own time.
Throughout this year you have taught me many different things but the most important thing that you have taught me is "UNSELFISHNESS." You have certainly taught me the quality of not putting myself first but being willing to give my time, money, or efforts for others. Thank you for that. You are only one but it just melts my heart when you want to share or give your toys, things, or food to others. I know you don't really understand what you are doing but I do, so I always praise that behavior. It is a behavior that I want you to continue to demonstrate throughout life. Giving to others is certainly a quality that God praises as well.
"There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you. - Paramahansa Yogananda" Remember this quote always and forever. It is better to give then to receive.
Just like every mommy, I am a little bias because I think that you are the best thing in the whole wide world. Just when I think that you can not get any cuter, you do. That red, curly hair...those bright, blue eyes...and that big, cheery smile just melts my heart every time. One minute I look at you and you are one way and then I look at you again and you are totally different. You are constantly changing and growing and it just makes me so sad because you growing up so fast. However, it does not matter how old you are because you will always be my BABY.
It also melts my heart when other people (friends and strangers) think that you are just adorable too. When we are out it is just astonishing how so many people that we see want to know you, when they know you they always have a smile, and everyone calls you AMAZING but we just call you ours. I guess I can say that we get a big head when that happens but that goes back to the whole bias thing...we think that you are the best.
As the years go by and you grow up, we will share many different memories and moments together. I hope that I don't ever forget one single minute of any of them. Some times I pinch myself just to make sure that I am not in a dream and that you are really here and that you are MINE. It is just so surreal at times. Me a mommy! I remember dreaming about this moment for forever and it is finally here and it is more then I could ever imagine. My favorite moment is when you run up to me and give me a big hug just because you saw me there. I just melts my heart. You are also starting to say Mommy instead of just Mama...and I think that you are connecting Mommy to me (or at least I like to think so).
I never want this to go unsaid but there are definitely no words that express how much you mean to me. The day that you were born I just knew that God sent me a miracle and blessing that I could not thank him enough for. Please remember that no matter whether we are together, apart, young, or old - You will always be my baby and have a piece of my heart. I LOVE YOU!

Love, Mommy

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