Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I think the pictures speak for themselves but they might need a little explanation as to why he is wearing these in the first place...

Two weeks ago Christian had a bacterial sinus infection. It was awful...constant fever, runny nose, messed up clothes, etc. We have always kept extra clothes over at Mrs. Kim's for those "just-in-case" moments. We also keep an extra change of clothes in his diaper bag. Well, one day last week (Monday to be exact) Mrs. Kim brought him to school looking like this...

Let me explain...He was having one of those days...runny nose and upset stomach. She used the outfit that was in the diaper bag first but when she laid him down to take a nap, he woke up soaking was not slobber or sweat if you know what I mean. So, she had to go to the next best thing...the clothes that we keep at her house. Did I mention that we had not updated his clothes with her since October when he was wearing 12 month things? Now that it is February he is wearing 18 month things. BIG DIFFERENCE! 12 month vs 18 month = WAITING FOR A FLOOD AND NOT MATCHING.

He still looks cute though and always puts a smile on my face.

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