Thursday, February 4, 2010

To Hit or Not to Hit? That is the Question.

Just as a friend said the other day "I am going to have my hands full with this little one." Boy, do I think she is right.

On Thursdays Christian normally comes up to school to meet me when school is over. However, today was going to be different. I had a parent-teacher conference after school so I was going to get him to stay with Mrs. Kim. Well, Sulley (one of the other kids that stays with Mrs. Kim) got sick today. We found out that he has RSV, so things were just a little crazy and up in the air after school. So, Christian came up to school and sat in on my parent-teacher conference.

He was doing great the whole time we were there. He played around the room, ate some Ritz, and watched Mickey Mouse Playhouse (he loves Mickey Mouse Playhouse). Then all of a sudden he got really cranky and tired...he was ready to go, it was 4:15.

Our conference was over; however, we were just sitting there chit-chatting (something I do best, if you ask my husband). I was cleaning up my room and packing my things up when all of a sudden Christian went up to the mother of my student I was conferencing with and hit her. Yes, that is what you just read...HIT HER! I was so embarrassed and humiliated. I snatched him up, popped his hand, told him no, and of course apologized to the mother. She just laughed and said it was okay and that things like that happen...well, thanks for understanding but I don't want things like that to happen.

While he was in my arms he was crying hysterically. He was so upset that I just popped his hand and he was tired too that he was slobbering everywhere. Then all of a sudden he sneezed. Guess where he sneezed...all of my the mother. Snot and slobber went all over her. How humiliating! Once again she just laughed it off and said that she has been slobbered on before and it will not be the last time.
Just my luck, right?!? How many more times do I need to conference with these parents? I don't THINK I have my hands full...I KNOW I have my hands full.

Please pray for Sulley and his family. His mom is pregnant and due on Monday. Because Sulley was diagnosed with RSV today, she is not able to be with him until the baby is born or until he is 100% better (even when the baby comes home...Sulley has to stay somewhere else). RSV is very dangerous for newborns and pregnant women. They certainly need your thoughts and prays while they are going through this rough time.

1 comment:

Heather and Travis said...

Trust are not the only one with your hands full. Morgan Kate is a hot mess! She is into everything, throws everything and pitches a total fit if she doesn't get her way. But despite their crazy behavior, we love them just the same - if not more.

Will definitely be praying for that family. RSV is no good!