Sunday, January 31, 2010

It Always Happens To Me.

Do you ever feel like everything always happens to you and never to anyone else? Do you ever feel like you are the one with all the bad luck and everyone around you is rejoicing in all their glory? Remember post... unlucky and when it rains it pours. Well, that is how I have felt this last month...UNLUCKY and WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS, again. I know you are wondering what could have happened and where have the Spivey's been. Let me tell you...trying to get our computer fixed and trying to FIND our camera.

For the last month, our personal computer has been acting up. It all started with a pretty, white line down the middle of the screen. Not to terrible, we could move the screen around to see what we wanted to read and write but a little, well okay, very annoying. So, my sister (she works on computers's her job) said that she could fix it for us. She would just give us a new screen. AWESOME, right!?! Not so much. When she gave us back our computer it worked for about a day and then that screen just went black. The computer would turn on but we could see nothing. Shaun and I were thinking "Well, we were not crazy about the white line but at least we could see what we were writing and reading...can we have our old screen back, please?" So, she gave us our old screen back and we thought we were in busy. Not so much, again. It worked for about two days and then the whole computer crashed. This time; however, I was a little smarter than last time (When it Rains it Pours post) I backed up most, not all, of Christian's pictures to either a CD or to Snapfish. My sister was able to get the rest of them off the hard drive for me. Thanks Nae, you have saved me yet again.

As for the camera, I lost it according to my loving and dear, sweet husband. The last we had it was at Shaun's dad's birthday party and then we put it in the diaper bag. Now it is MIA (missing in action). Shaun tells me that I probably should not go anywhere by myself with just Christian and I because I might lose him...I don't think so. He thinks he is soooooooooo funny. I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART! However, once again...PICTURES OF CHRISTIAN MISSING/GONE. Why does this happen to me? My poor son is going to have chunks of his life missing because his mom can not remember anything. My dad use to tell me that I would forget my head if it was not attached to my body and I am starting to believe him. I would certainly walk around headless. I think I need some pills to help with my memory instead of my migraines. So, there will be no pictures of my precious monkey for a while since I don't have a camera. I had to take the one from yesterday with my phone. My brother-n-law emailed it to me after I texted him the pictures just so I could put it on his blog. To much work.

Dear Lord,
Help me remember those things that are most important in the world and not worry about those silly and extra things in life. I know that a computer and camera are just extras in my life and I need to remember that the things that are most important in my life are always with me no matter what...YOU, my family, and my self-worth. I know that being upset because I have lost these items or because these items have broken is a reaction that is normal. However, Lord, I want to remember when I am feeling sad, angry, mad, or upset that these material things in life are not important but it is your love that is important and is helping me through the emotional times. Lord, help me refuse to be trapped by these extras and let righteousness deliver me.

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