Sunday, February 14, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Can you believe that SC had a winter wonderland? Eight inches to be exact. It was so beautiful. We kind of get excited when we see one snowflake fall from the sky here in SC. It doesn't happen to often so when it does it is a BIG deal...everything closes, grocery stores run out of milk and bread, and no one wants to drive on the roads because we don't know how to drive in the snow.

Last year Christian saw his first snow when he was almost 2 months old. It snowed on the 20th of January, so we bundled him up and took him out to see the snow...he had no idea, he was sleeping and it was 6:30 in the morning.

This time it was completely different. We bundled him up and he certainly had an idea...he was awake and it was 5:00 in the afternoon. He thought it was absolutely amazing. He would just laugh when it came down and hit him in the face. He was also trying to catch it. It was priceless.

Snow boats. $40.00
Jacket. $50.00
Snow hat $12.00
Mittens $8.00
Christian playing in the snow for the first time. PRICELESS

1 comment:

Justin and Jessica Jones said... win Mother of the Year. I put the laytex kitchen gloves on Madeleine abd broke out the Hello Kitty rainboots...perhaps that is why she came in screaming for hot chocolate! :)