Friday, March 26, 2010

16 Months

I can't believe that I have not been keeping up with Christian's month and 1 year birthdays. I just realized the other day (his 16 Month Day) that I have not been posting about his milestones each month. GREAT JOB DONNA!

So, I am going to post a few things now...

HAPPY 16 Month Day Christian!
Mommy and Daddy love you to pieces. You just amaze us as we watch you grow each month. When I look at you, it is hard to believe that just 16 months ago you were my little baby who was learning how eat, sleep through the night, hold your head up, roll over, etc. Each and every day you teach us something new...sometimes it is something that we might not want to learn, but we are glad to ALWAYS be there for you. We will ALWAYS be there for you. We love you!

16 Month Milestone
Height: 32.5 in. (87.52 percentile)
Weight: 27.25 lbs (83.67 percentile)
Head Circumference: 18.5 in. (45.2 percentile)

Christian is/has...
  • 12 teeth total (four on top in front, four on bottom in front, two top molars and two bottom molars)
  • had three haircuts so far. The last one about killed mommy. All his curls are gone and we actually have a normal haircut and not an Afro.
  • beginning to eat by himself with a spoon. We get about half of the meal down with a spoon and then he starts digging in with his hands again. "The spoon is just too much trouble, mommy."
  • of course, walking and running everywhere he can. This, of course, keeps mommy and daddy busy.
  • beginning to climb on everything. He loves to climb on the couch and the chairs around the table. My favorite thing to find is when I come into the living room from another room and he is sitting on the couch. Oh, it just makes me so happy that he is climbing.
  • jumping. He loves to jump around. When you ask him to jump, he bends all the way down to the ground and then jumps up. He gets about three inches off the ground but he tries really hard to get those three inches off the ground.
  • beginning to talk some. We are trying to get some words out. However, we have nothing other than bye bye, mommy, dada, ball, and DE (don't know what that is but he points to everything and says DE). He is not saying no but will shake his head no when he does not want to do something or does not want any more of something.
  • throwing balls. He LOVES balls, any kind. Look out while he is throwing because you might get hit in the head if you are not paying attention.
  • swinging a bat. Daddy was a baseball player from the time he about 4 until college, so of course, he put a bat and ball in his hand as soon as he started holding things. Just the other day, he started swinging the bat like he was standing at home plate about the hit the ball from the pitcher. My little Atlanta Brave!
  • showing us his belly when you ask him to show you his belly. He pulls up his shirt and points to it. Oh so cute with his little budda belly stick out.

I am sure there are many more things but when you have not posted in about 4 months about his milestones, you can't think about all the new things that he is doing. All I know is that I have loved every single stage of his life. Everyone has said to me that ________ stage is the best stage, but I have found that each one has it special moments. I look at a new born baby and remember all the times with him and think "OHHHHHHH, those were the days." Then I look at him now and remember all the fun times we have had and I think "I wouldn't give up one single day."

Thank you God for all the glorious days that you have given us.

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