Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 1 and 2 of Spring Break

So, all the things that I had planned for Christian and I's Spring Break are going to have to wait until summer break.

Why you ask? Well, Monday morning Christian woke up with the worst case of allergies that I have ever seen. His eyes were all crusted over, his eyes were all swollen, his nose was all crusted because it had been running all night, his nose was running, and his face was all splotchy with red spots. He is MISERABLE.

The pollen has hit him hard. I believe the Easter egg hunting (which I still need to post my pictures) in all the pollen took a toll on him. I have been giving him Benadryl around the clock. It seems to work but once we step foot outside for even a moment...walking from the car to the grocery store, walking around the block while he is sleeping...it breaks right back out.

So, I am trying to keep him inside as much as possible. What a Spring Break!

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