Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter 2010

Here is a video of some pictures of our Easter. We certainly had a blast. Christian actually hunted eggs this year. He would find an egg, point to it, and say "AHHHHH" then pick it up. It was wonderful.

Today was the first day of our Spring Break that we were out and about. We went to see my grandmother, which she was so excited that we came. He was running all around her place. I wish I could bottle up some of his energy. While we were there(my grandmother lives in a senior citizen home) Christian got a hold of her emergency button-necklace and pushed it. In about 2 seconds, 5 people were at my grandmother's door to make sure that she was okay. I told them that Christian accidentally pushed it and they were NOT happy about that. We got dirty looks and no "that's okay." I could not believe it. Oh well, we certainly thought it was funny and had a great time visiting with grandma.

We then went to visit a friend of mine who just had a baby last week. Christian has so much fun playing with their little girl, Laken. So while he was playing with Laken, I got to visit with Kristin and hold baby Cruz. Oh, holding Baby Cruz makes me want another little one but then I look at Christian running around like a mad-man and realize that he is all I need right now...HA.

Today was a great day because we got out of this old house. Hopefully Christian will not get all yucky...especially since daddy is playing with him outside right now...trial and error is all I have to say.

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