Tuesday, June 8, 2010

25 Things About Our Family Beach Trip Continued...

Here are the rest of our 25 Things About Our Family Beach Trip...

13. We thought after a Sunday nap, maybe our fever would be gone (crossed fingers) and the beach might be fun. Boy were we wrong AGAIN!

14. Christian was okay if he was sitting in our laps or if he was being held. We were so unsure why he did not like the sand and the water. He LOVED it last year.

15. Being held upside down and tickled is always a good home remedy for fevers.

16. Phone calls and talking on the phone always help you feel better too...


18. Sunday night was not fun at all. Christian's fever got up to 103.6. So, while everyone else was heading down to the pier and to the arcade for some late night fun, Shaun and I were tending to a sick one. It was an early night for Christian, so Shaun and I had a relaxing night rocking on the porch, talking, and watching the people go by. I am such a people watcher.

19. Monday was a new day. Christian actually woke up without a fever. We thought we would head down to the beach again and give it another try. Still not a fan. However, this time me put him down and made him walk all by himself. He cried for the first 15 minutes but he FINALLY got use to it. Even after a few temper tantrums in the sand that some old ladies thought we should video tape and send to America's Funniest Home Videos.

20. Family photo in the water.

21. Christian playing in the water with Daddy until water got in his eyes.

22. Christian playing in the sand with Daddy. Boy did is pants gets filled up with sand.

23. Tiny toes and fingers in the sand.

24. Even with all the craziness we managed to celebrate Abby's birthday (Shaun's mom) while we were down there. Happy Birthday Abby!

25. Chilling out on the way home because it was a LONG weekend with many adventures.

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