Monday, June 7, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

If you are a devoted US Weekly reader like I am then you have read the column "25 Things You Don't Know About Me (about an actress or actor)." I thought that I would share our Memorial Day Beach Trip this same way (I am going to share 12 tonight and 13 tomorrow night so it does not get to long)...

25 Things You Don't Know About Our Family Beach Trip
1. We went to Garden City, SC for Memorial Day. This is our annual family vacation with Shaun's side of the family.

2. We got down there Friday night and just as I said in the last post, Christian had an awful rash all over his body that we were hoping would go away with a little salt water and sunshine.

3. Saturday was a brand new rash and high spirits. Bring on the bats and balls...

4. When Christian woke up from his nap...our high spirits went down the drain. Christian started running a fever of 102.2. So much for the fun in the sun.

5. Our nephew was being recognized at the Pelicans single A pro baseball game down at the beach. So, as the proud Aunt and Uncle that we were, we went to help celebrate...even with Christian's 102.2 fever. However, a fever doesn't keep you awake very long at the baseball game.

6. We wrote our names in the sand...

7. Christian became "Captain Super Why."

8. Christian trying on his cousin's shoes. He loves to walk around in Shaun and I's shoes, so seeing him wear our nephew's was so precious.

9. After we played on the porch (over-looking the beach) for a while, we noticed that Christian's fever was starting to come back...101.2.

10. We thought we would try the beach even with a slight fever...bad idea. Christian hated the sand and water. He did not want us to put him down or leave him by himself out on the beach.

11. Daddy don't leave me. I hate the sand...

12. We went walking on the pier to look at all the fish that were being caught. We saw a stingray and some fish.

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