Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What a Man!

Ten years ago, I meet this man. He was sitting, well actually he was sprawled out, feet up, arms behind his head, and laying down on his couch. He lived below me in our apartment building.

I came home from Texas one summer and some of my friends that lived in the building too said "You have got to go downstairs and meet the new guys that are now renting the apartment below you. They are HOT!" I thought 'what the heck, lets go.'

My first opinion was 'yes, he is hot.' My second opinion was 'boy, he sure is cocky.' Who would have known that ten years later he would be the one I am celebrating Father's Day with.

What a journey Shaun and I have been on. Our "love story" is quite funny (you will have to wait and hear about that one on our anniversary) but I would not change one minute of it because it has gotten us to where we are today. WHAT A MAN I HAVE!

On this special day, Christian and I want to thank you for being the wonderful "Daddy" that you are. I think there is a big difference between a "Father" and a "Daddy." You are a "Daddy" to Christian. We see you as "home" and the mountain that we look to from afar. We love you for all that you do for us and we feel that you are with us where ever we go. You play so many roles in Christian's life...teacher, playmate, model, disciplinarian, and friend, that I know he looks up to you as a hero. So, as you celebrate today, we are celebrating too and honoring you - Christian's very first hero, his "Daddy."

We love you more than words can say and we can't wait to continue this crazy "love story" with you! HAPPY DADDY'S DAY TO A WONDERFUL MAN!

Christian and Daddy "knuckle dumping".

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