Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday (kind of)

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.”

Sorry there was no "Talking Tuesday" post yesterday. First reason was because, well, there were no new words...ha! I keep getting really worried about it but his doctor keeps saying "don't worry about it, he's a boy." However, I don't want him to have that stereotype...he's a BOY! So, once another or more words come along we will continue to do the "Talking Tuesday" post. Second reason was because we had not written a Daddy's Day post to Shaun yet and it was MUCH needed. We wanted to thank him for all that he does and to tell him how much we love him.
Today is a special little girl's birthday. However, we will be celebrating this special little girl's birthday with her while she is celebrating it with Jesus in Heaven. Baby Kayleigh's birthday is today. Kayleigh has touch many lives (especially mine) in the ten months that she was blessed to be here on Earth. Now she is blessing all of us in Heaven. She was and will always be a "One Pound Miracle." To read her story (get some tissues) go to .
"Happy Birthday Kayleigh. Thank you for changing my life forever. You have really touched me and thousands/millions of others. I know that we all can't wait to meet the "One Pound Miracle" in person. Save me a place up in Heaven and I can't wait to hear all the stories that you are going to be full of."

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