Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"What the...?"

I know you were looking forward to the "Talking Tuesday" post to see/read all the new words that my little man is saying this week; however, we got nothing...ha. He is certainly trying but we are just getting a lot of his own talk. Once he gets the hang of it he is going to take off (or else we are going to have to learn his language).
Anyways...do you know what one of my biggest pet peeves is? The phrase "What the...?" Especially when it comes out the mouths of my little first graders. I know exactly what is suppose to come after that unfinished sentence and I am pretty sure that if they have heard "What the...?", then they know exactly what comes after that as well. So, in my classroom "What the...?" is off limits. When they do say it, I just look at them and say "I know you did not just say what I think you said." and they always look at me like Oh no! because they know.
Well, today I am going to use my biggest pet peeve..."WHAT THE...?" At the end of May we had some allergy testing done on Christian (food and environmental) and it was the BIGGEST ordeal in my whole life. First off, sticking and drawing blood from a 1 and 1/2 year is bad enough but when you have veins that burst and roll like Christian's it makes it 10 times worse. Second off, when they lose one of your son's blood samples (did I mention that taking blood from Christian is a nightmare) and we have to go back for the third time to draw blood it does not make Christian nor Mommy a happy camper. Oh, yes that really happened and let me tell you they did not see a pretty side of me that day.
Well, we finally got our results back from the test. My son is allergic to eggs (Shaun loves them-couldn't believe it), peanuts (Shaun and I eat peanuts and peanut butter like they are going out of style), dogs (got two of them), rag weeds, Bermuda grass, blue Kentucky grass, and white oak. As you can see, they have referred us to an allergist. So, ONCE AGAIN we have to go and do an allergy test (the scratch test) to see what he is allergic to (more test, more allergies). They said this office visit could last 2 to 3 hours...GREAT.
So, I think that I get the privilege today and at the end of July when we go and have the new allergy test done to say "WHAT THE...?"

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