Thursday, July 22, 2010

Oh My, My

AP Dog: 5 Wheel 10 Flare = Positive
Peanut: 15 Wheel 20 Flare = Positive

What does this all mean? I have no talk. What I do know is that Christian is allergic to dogs and peanuts.

Today was Christian's appointment at the allergist. You know the one where I posted about "What the...?" The above information was the results that we got after he got 16 shots in the back (they used a multi-tester, they did not do them all at one time). He had a variety of environmental and food allergens and he reacted the most to dog and peanut.

The first picture is what his back looked like right after they pricked him with the 16 shots. The next two pictures are what his back looked like after about fifteen minutes. The more swollen areas are the peanut and dog allergens. Poor baby!
However, shots and itchy areas has never stopped my son from having a fun time with his daddy. Even if it is in the doctor's office.
So, our lives are going to be very different. Checking labels and making sure that what Christian is putting into his mouth does not contain peanut "anything" is going to be a big change. We now have to check baked goods; candy (including chocolate candy); flavoring (including natural and artificial); nougat; enchilada sauce; Mexican, African an Asian dishes; etc. You would not believe some of the things that have peanut proteins in them.

However, the good news is that he can still eat peanut we come Chick-fil-a. Studies show that most allergic individuals can safely eat peanut oil, so we were given the go ahead with peanut oil. However, nothing else peanut-wise. More good news is that he is not that allergic to dogs to where we have to get rid of Rockey and Mickey. He just has to take Singluar every day and pray that his allergy to dogs does not get worse.

So, the training that I have as a teacher and using an Epipen has paid off. Christian now has one and we go NO WHERE without it.

1 comment:

Timothy and Holly said...

Awwww.... poor baby. I'm sorry for Christian and for you and Shawn. I know how allergies can rock your world. I really hope that he grows out of them both. But good news about keeping Chick-fil-a.