Monday, August 16, 2010


I really don't even know where to begin this post. I know that I have written a post about When It Rains It Pours, but that seems to be the theme song in the Spivey household these days. Thank goodness it only happens once a year.

It all started three weeks ago. We were on vacation when Shaun had a kidney stone attack. Now this kidney stone had been around for about a month but it was a come and go kind of thing. Some days it would cause some pain but nothing that a little pain medicine would not fix. Shaun thought that he could just pass it, so surgery was never a thought that we had.
that Sunday morning, on our vacation, when Shaun was bottled over in pain on the floor at 8:00 in the morning telling me to pack the car because we had to GO! At that time, we knew that it was time to have the surgery to get this kidney stone removed.

So, on Tuesday morning at 10:30 we went in for kidney stone removal surgery. Who would have know that two weeks later it would have turned into two ER visits, four catheters, two stints, a two night stay at the hospital, and another surgery? Certainly not us!

Shaun ended up having to be admitted into the hospital a few nights later after his first surgery because he started voiding blood clots and then he could not void at all...he was backing up. When they admitted him, they did a CAT scan on him and found out that his bladder was over half full of blood clots and that he was bleeding at the end of his ureter. He has been out of work for three weeks and actually went back tonight. He is still in a little bit of pain and going back to the doctor on Wednesday but we are continuing to praying for no more problems in the lower region area.

Oh, did I mention that this whole time during his surgery I had strep throat and was trying to get things ready to start back to school /work. Thanks goodness for wonderful friends at work who got my classroom ready for me while I was at the hospital with Shaun.

1 comment:

Jesse and Sarah said...

Praying for you and your family! I hope your husband feels better soon and that school goes well!