Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Changes 2

Like I said before...change can be good, change can be bad, and change can be sad.

I wrote a post a week ago about all the changes that we have made with Christian this summer. Changes that make him a little boy and not a baby anymore. Well, now I have one more change...potty training in remission.

Christian has been doing a great job with his potty training...going throughout the day by himself, going anywhere we are and not being scared, and going in the middle of the night. However, lately (within the last week) he has been having accidents left and right, everywhere we go, and in the middle of the night.

So once again the mother and teacher that I am headed right to the computer. I looked online about potty training in remission and they said...
1. Children sometimes have trouble and go into remission when they have or are going through a change in schedule or life.
2. Sometimes they have trouble going to the potty because they are so occupied with other things (like playing) that they forget to go.

Well, this could be both of our problems. I am about to go back to school in two days. Christian has been up to school with me and helping me set up my classroom alot lately. We have also talked to him about going back to the nanny that keeps him. He is not very thrilled about this...he wants to stay home with mommy (I have been trying to use this as an excuse to be a stay at home mom but Shaun is not having it). He also gets so distracted when playing on the computer, our phones, watching TV, etc. that he forgets to go until it is to late.

So, the experts online said to start back new. PRAISE, PRAISE, PRAISE and make sure not to shame when he does go in his pants. Let him know that it is okay and that we all have accidents sometimes then clean it up together. We are back to chocolates and LOTS of praise when he does go. I hope this challenge does not stay around long...especially since he is starting preschool this year as well.

The story of our lives is "it will work itself out soon and it will get better."

1 comment:

Heather and Travis said...

I know it will get better! MK isn't even the least little bit interested in using the potty. Ugh!!