Monday, September 19, 2011

A Star is Born

You can always tell when school is back in session because my posts become obsolete. I have things to write about all the time but when it gets down to family time, sleep, or posting...I choose the others before posting. So, now that Christian is down, family time has been had (even though it can always have more), and sleep is calling my name very soon...I thought I would post very quickly.

Christian has ALWAYS loved playing, kicking, throwing, etc. balls of all kinds. Football, basketball, baseball, soccer ball, etc., it doesn't matter what kind of ball, he will take it and run with it (literally). So, our nephew (who is 4 years old) has starting playing soccer at SOAR. We have been out there cheering him on for the last two weekends. However, Christian has been out there wanting to play. Every time we go he says "Mommy, I play too?" I tell him "Not yet honey. Soon, very soon though." You see, you have to be three to play and he is only 2 and a half.

He waits very patiently for the game to be over then he gets out there and kicks the ball around with his cousin. I am not a humongous fan of soccer and have always hoped that Christian would play baseball and baseball ONLY. However, I think my hopeful and wishful thinking has backfired. Oh, well...whatever makes him happy, makes me happy. I can learn to love soccer and understand it...ha.

Not only do we play soccer at SOAR with his cousin after the games but we now have to play at home in the backyard. Oh, a star has been born!

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