Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Every Time

It never fails...give me a camera and a setting and I get all gitty. You can say that I go camera happy. Give me a camera, a setting, and Christian and it is all over with. I am always telling him "look this way", "SMILE", "please do it one more time for mommy", etc. Poor thing just looks at me and says "no mommy" or gives me this face...

However, some times I get his beautiful smile and "take a picture of me, mommy." Those are the times when I whip the camera out and say "okay." Last Thursday at the fair was one of those days. I got to take a 100 pictures of him from riding the swings with his daddy to riding the helicopters by himself. I got some Kodak moments of him petting all the animals to him riding his first pony. I also got a picture of the sand castle that he wanted to get in and "help them build." What priceless moments we had a the fair...

The best part was that I got to act just like a kid with him...riding the rides with him and just watching him enjoy himself each time he got on a new ride or pet a new animal. It made my heart leap each time that he went by me on his ride and waved at us. It made my heart grow each time that he asked me to go on the rides with him. It made my heart smile when he smiled sooooooo big throughout the day. So, I just have one question for you Christian...will you stay FOREVER YOUNG?

1 comment:

Justin and Jessica Jones said...

Love it...you guys really did have a good time.