Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Man of My Dreams

Saturday, October 15th marked Shaun and I's sixth wedding anniversary. I just can't believe that we have been married six years and together for 10. It feels like yesterday that I was walking down the aisle to his smiling face and his pockets full of ketchup (ha, that was what his groomsmen gave him because he eats ketchup on everything).
I remember being so excited that day to become Mrs. Stephen (Shaun) Spivey. I also remember thinking that once I saw him I was going to bawl my eyes out...boy was I wrong. When I saw him with a huge smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye, I knew that God had put me on this Earth to be here just for him. Our wedding was just beautiful and all that I could have ever asked for.
From 10/15/05 until now, Shaun has blessed me with so many different opportunities that I just can not express how thankful I am for him. I know that I take him for granted every day. I know that I take the things that he does for granted every day. However, to be totally honest he is perfect in every way...he is PERFECT for me. He is loyal, romantic, trustworthy, honest, strong, protective, patient, understanding, and he loves me unconditionally. He has my heart and it is forever his.
Thank you Shaun for giving me the best 10 years of my life. I am blessed and honored to be called Mrs. Shaun Spivey. I can not wait to grow old with you, raise our children, and take care of you the way that God intended for the rest of my life. Happy 6th Anniversary and many more to come!

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