Monday, December 24, 2012

4 months Old

4 months old. I just can't believe it. I know I say this all the time but it is true. I just can't believe it. You are growing up so fast. Tomorrow Santa will be visiting you for the very first time. I hope that he brings you some thing very cool. You have been an awfully good boy these last 4 moths.

Weight:  14.31 lbs (26.99 %tile)
Height:  24.5 in ( 23.39 %tile) 
Head circumference: 15.5 in (55.12 %tile) 
Size of clothes: 3-6 months
Size of diapers: 2
Eat: He is getting formula only.
# of wake ups at night: Just one around 2:30-3:00ish. Can't wait until he starts sleeping through the night. Oh when will that be. Christian spoiled me by sleeping through the night around 8 weeks old. Not Bryson. I don't think he is ever going to sleep through the night.
Health: His health has been good. Still don't know about his heart and if the hole has closed up. However, we are being very hopeful. We get to find out when he is 6 months old. He has had an awful cough with a stuffy nose that we can not get rid of but this weather has not helped with that. 
Milestones: He has found his hands. He loves to grab things that are hanging in front of him. He also loves to coo and laugh at you when you are talking to him. Give him a tv and/or let him watch Christian play the Wii and he is entertained for hours (not really). He loves it though. He is also starting to roll over onto his sides (not completely over).  One things that he has found that mommy is not thrilled about is his thumb.  I will catch him sucking on it every now and them.  If it is not his thumb it is his whole hand.  I immediately take it out of his mouth and replace it with his paci.  I don't need a thumb or hand, no, no.  I have even caught him trying to suck his thumb while he was sucking his paci.  Oh, goodness.
Doesn't Likes: You are still not crazy about sitting in your car seat; however, once you get in you are fine.  You also don't like to be by yourself for long periods of time.  I can tell that you are going to be an extrovert...a people person just like your momma.  You are still not crazy about your swing either.  Thank goodness it is in your room for the holiday season.  Other than those things you are a very happy baby...always smiling and laughing.
Loves: You love, love, love to be talked to.  As long as you are being talked to you are laughing and cooing.  You also like to take baths.  This makes for a very soothing atmosphere.  When you are not a happy camper, I know that I can run a bath for you, put you in, and talk your ear off.  Then your frown turner right side up again.  You also love the sight of your bottle.  It is so funny because when you see it, you just stare at it, like "Give it to me, give it to me."      
Smiles when: You smile all the time when you are talked to. It just melts my heart.
Recent trips: Sorry we are really boring but we have not been anywhere exciting baby boy.  Just stuck around these parts of town.  However, we did help your brother celebrate his 4th birthday at Saluda Shoals. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another very sweet addition to our family! Love him to pieces too! Abbey