Saturday, December 22, 2012

Conversation with Christian

Last year I started a birthday tradition where I wanted to have a conversation with Christian and ask him questions about some of his favorite things. I thought it would be neat to see how these things changed over the years and to see how he answered them.

Well, this year it totally slipped my mind. I was looking around on our computer the other night and I came across our conversation from last year. I thought to myself..."oh my gosh. I totally forgot about this." So, today I sat down with him and we had ourselves a little conversation.

A conversation with Christian… (4 years old)

My favorite food is…chicken nuggets and spaghetti O’s
My favorite sport to play is…basketball and baseball
The best show on television is…Elf on the Shelf (Buddy is our Elf. It is Christmas time when I asked him these questions and we watch this show every night.)
The coolest person on Earth is…Daddy
My favorite thing to learn about in school is…my letters, the letter n.
The thing that I do the most awesomely is…play the Wii.
If I could go anywhere in the world, I’d go to…school.
My favorite color is…yellow.
When I grow up, I am going to become a…policeman.
My current favorite song is…Hi Ho Cherry Oh! (Is that a song? HA)
The book I love right now is…The Elf on the Shelf.
Three words that describe me…happy, helper (mommy said), silly
When I was little I used to…suck on my paci.
My favorite season of the year is…winter because it is cold. I like to be cold.
The snack I like the best is…cheese crackers.
One food that I really dislike is…cakes.
My best friend is…Daddy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What cute information about Christian! Love my little man! You are very special to me! Love, Abbey