Saturday, December 22, 2012

Santa Claus Came to Town

Santa Claus has come to town early here in Lexington, SC.

My boys and Santa

Christian and Santa

Bryson's first time with Santa
Christian was such a big boy with year with Santa.  It was his first time really wanting to sit on Santa's lap.  In year's past he has cried and screamed when I have tried to put him on his lap.  I have always had to be in the picture with him...holding him.  This year was so different.
I was talking with a friend, when Shaun came over to get the camera.  He said Christian was about to sit in Santa's lap.  I turned to look and he was actually sitting in Santa's lap...I almost missed it.  I had to actually run away from talking to my friend to see this unbelievable sight.  Shaun said he just crawled right on up in his lap and said he wanted a camera for Christmas.  Wow, what a year makes. 

Thanks for coming to town Santa Claus.  We will see you in a few days. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bravo! He is growing up! Abbey