Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh how true...

You know, my mom has always told me that the best things in life are free. Well, she could not have been more right. As I sit here and write this post (I should actually be writing my lesson plans for next week), I am looking at Shaun and Christian sleeping so peacefully and thinking to myself how lucky in life I am. God has provided me with the best things. The two most precious things in my life are at arms length way and looking so sweet, content, and peaceful. Ever since Christian's birth, I have found myself to be a very emotional person. I have always been an emotional person to some degree but now when I look at him I could just start crying. I am not sure if it is still the hormones kicking or if it is because I am a new mommy and soooooooo in LOVE. I just can't get enough of him. It is those little things in life that just make me feel like the luckiest person alive...
  • those little fingers that rap around my finger while I am feeding him
  • those beautiful and big smiles that he gives me at 5:30 in the morning
  • those pouty lips that poke out when he is getting fussy because he is hungry
  • those arms that wrap around my next when I am holding him
  • those big blue eyes that look at me when I am talking/reading to him
  • those cuddly-wrap-ups that he does while he is laying on my chest and sleeping

I could go on forever...

Remember to thank God for all that he has given you and that those things that we sometimes overlook and take for granted are the best things in life. Oh how God has proven this to me over and over again the last year. Thank you God for everything.


Hollie Heming said...

Okay, I'm already emotional today and you're not helping!:) I love reading your blog. Love you!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute.

Mrs. Gail