Thursday, July 16, 2009

Christian in His Own Way

Ruby in Her Own Way By: Jonathan Emmett

Once upon a time
upon a nest
beside a lake,
there lived two ducks- a mother duck
a father duck.

There were five eggs in the nest. Mother sat upon the nest
all day...
and all night...
through howling wind...
and driving rain,
looking after the eggs-ALL five of them.

Then, one bright morning the eggs began to hatch.
little beaks poked out into the sunlight.

little ducklings shook their feathers in the breeze.

"We'll call them Rufus, Rory, Rosie, and Rebecca," said Father Duck.
and Mother Duck agreed.

But the fifth egg did
"Will it ever hatch?" said Father Duck.

"It will," said Mother Duck,
"in its own time."

This story reminds me of Christian so much. A while ago, I wrote about how I was concerned with Christian's developmental milestones. He was not progressing like other 7 month olds he was around. They were doing all these things that Christian was not doing yet, but then I was told by Dr. G. that he would develop in his own time. When I read this children's book call Ruby in Her Own Way it was like I was reading about Christian. It is now my, I mean, our moto in the Spivey household...Christian will in his own time.

The reason I am wrote about this book is because he DID! He did in his own time. It happened yesterday...he crawled. I was standing in the kitchen and Shaun was sitting in the living room with Christian. When I turned around Christian was in the kitchen with me. I was like "Did he just crawl in here." From then on it has been non-stop. We even had to stop him from going behind the couch yesterday. Here are some videos of him crawling. They are not much because every time I tried to get him crawling he would either see the camera and stop or he would see a toy and stop. Hopefully I will get a better one soon.

My little man is doing things in HIS OWN TIME and I LOVE IT!

I forgot that I never put our pictures from the 4th (our beach trip to Charleston) up. Here they are...


Heather and Travis said...

Oh my gosh! What a big boy! I can't believe he's crawling. It doesn't seem like they should be able to do that already. He looks so determined in those videos. Also, love the slideshow of the beach.

Each day I have to remind myself of the same thing...Morgan Kate will in her own time. We still aren't crawling and just really sitting up, but I know it will all come. I have to just be patient and remind myself that she is her own person.

Hope you are having a great day!

Hollie Heming said...

Go Christian! He's doing great! Will didn't start crawling until 9 months. You have an over-achiever on your hands :)