Thursday, July 23, 2009

When It Rains It Pours

Let me be the first to say that the saying "when it rains it pours" is so true. I am living proof of it right now. Just when you think that your heart has been riped out of your chest, something else happens. So, now I am going to hope and pray that the saying "it can only get better" is true.

First things first...yesterday Christian and I were heading home from Charleston when about 20 miles from home he just started screaming and crying. I thought that he was hungry because when Christian is hungry, he is hungry. So, we pulled over at a Shell Station and I jumped in the back seat to make him a bottle and feed him. Well, our laptop (personal, family laptop) was in the back seat sitting on the seat beside him. So, I took the laptop off the seat and set it on the ground outside the car. I had to get it out of the way in order to get back there to feed him, right?!? Well, that was the STUPIDEST thing that I have ever done in my entire life. I made the bottle, feed him, and drove off. That is right, I drove off and left the laptop on the ground. WHAT WAS I THINKING!?!

I did not realize what I had done until about 8 o'clock in the evening when Shaun asked where the computer was. Then it hit me like a ton of brick...the laptop was on the ground at the Shell Station or in someone else's house. That is when the waterworks started to flow. I had just realized that in one stupid move my son's memories (pictures and videos) were gone.

Shaun and my mom rode back out to the Shell Station in hopes that it might still be on the ground but no such luck. I was devastated. I could not believe that I had done such a stupid thing. I felt like an idiot and that I had let my family down. We are now just praying that someone out there is a good Samaritan and is going to return it. However, after no phone calls today I am not very positive about that anymore. I think our memories are gone.

Secondly, this morning I woke up with a headache and puffy eyes from crying so much the night before and was not in the best mood. So, we are going about our day as we could and then all of a sudden it hit...Christian got upset again. Not screaming or anything just crying and not being his usual happy camper. So, I thought he might be hungry, so I feed him and then he fell asleep for about 4 hours. What 4 hours, he never takes a nap for that long. When he woke up he was fussy again, so I feed him and noticed that he was burning up. We took his temperature and it was 101.9. Oh my gosh, what is wrong with my baby? I thought it might be his teeth because he is teething, so I called the doctor to see what they thought I should do. While I was talking to the nurse, Christian just started throwing up. I, once again, started crying.

When we got to the doctor's office, Christian was now screaming, crying, and burning up. When they got us back, Dr. G checked him out and found out that Christian has a bad ear infection in his left ear that is draining down into his throat. Poor baby and mommy, we both were just crying away. I think mine was because I was still so emotional from the night before and this just added to it. So, we are taking Amoxicillian, Motrin, and Tylenol to help with the ear infection and fever. I just checked his temperature a few minutes ago and it was 102.9. I hope and pray that it does not continue to go up and that this antibiotic will kick in by tomorrow.

Please pray for us that it gets better. My heart is breaking in so many pieces and I am not sure how to mend it back right now. I know that it will in its own time. I also know that life is hard and it could be worse. So, I am thanking my lucky stars for what I am given but I am also praying for a break tomorrow.

1 comment:

Hollie Heming said...

Wow! What a rough few days you've had! I would be reacting the exact same way :(. Will also throws up when he has an ear infection. After three of them now, we know that throwing up = infection and we call immediately. As for the laptop, I am so sorry. At least it wasn't your school one :). We load all our pictures on so we can always access them. It's easy to use. Check it out. I will pray for the return of your laptop.