Friday, August 14, 2009

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time in a kingdom far away known as Lexington, SC, lived a King, Queen, and their young prince named Christian. Now, this King and Queen were just an ordinary family. They had a beautiful castle, a beautiful family, and two beautiful dachshunds, Rockey and Mickey. Not far from the King and Queen lived the Queen's lovely mother, Omah.

Two days ago, the King and Queen were busy at work, so the lovely Omah keep Prince Christian. Omah loves her Prince Christian and when he goes to her castle to play, they play hard.

Around 5:00 that day, Omah was standing in the kitchen wondering what to feed Prince Christian for supper. While she was deciding, Prince Christian was crawling around on the kitchen floor playing with her two beautiful Shih Tzus, Lady and Tramp. Prince Christian loves to play with Lady and Tramp.

Now, it was not only Prince Christian's supper time but Lady and Tramp's supper time as well. So, while Omah was getting Prince Christian's apples and chicken ready, she went ahead and prepared Lady and Tramp's supper.

Little did Omah know that Prince Christian did not want apples and chicken. He wanted Lady's supper. You see, now that Prince Christian is crawling if you don't have your eyes on him at all times, what Prince Christian wants, Prince Christian gets. Lady's supper was all over Prince Christian's hands, mouth (inside and out) and clothes. Lady's supper was all over the walls, floor, and rug. Let's just say that Prince Christian had a good ole` time playing and eating Lady's food.

After Omah got Prince Christian all cleaned up, she put him back on the floor. Guess where he went. Straight back to Lady's bowl. Omah told him "No!" and if Prince Christian could talk this what he would have said "I want that dog food. It is so moist, has a great texture, and a great taste. That apples and chicken crap is just that, crap." However, since he can't talk he just started to cry. Prince Christian has learned (or he thinks he has learned) that if he cries he might get his way and he wanted more.

Now, I am not sure if the dog food is really that moist, has a great texture, or a great taste but you know you can never argue with a red head.

So, the moral of the story is...don't let your child roam or sit freely beside the dog bowl. Especially when everything that is in their hand goes in their mouth. However, a little dog food never hurt anyone. :) :P


Jenny Garris said...

Good story! Dog (and cat) food is one of Joel's favorite snacks! It is a constant battle---he has some red in his hair too! :)
I'm like you though---a little dog food won't hurt him! ha ha

Hollie Heming said...

HA! I don't think he would be a true curious boy if he didn't taste some dog food. Will has done it too!!!