Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tough Day

Rockey was Shaun and I's "first child." Shaun and I got married in October and we got Rockey in December. He has been our baby for almost five years now.

Today I thought I was going to lose my baby.

In the mornings, Shaun gets Christian dressed while I am getting myself dressed for work. When I am finished getting dressed, we head out the door. Shaun always takes Christian outside and puts him in the car and tells us goodbye and that he loves us. It was a typical day. No changes, nothing different, except for the fact that today Rockey followed us out in the garage.

I was about to shut my car door and open the garage door when Shaun yelled "Rockey. NO, Stop!" I almost did not get out of the car to see what was wrong because it is not unusual for Rockey to get into something that he is not suppose to. However, something was telling me to stop and ask what he got into. When I did, I was not expecting what I heard...Rat Poison. My stomach dropped.

I ran inside, picked him up, and called the Emergency Vet. "What do I do? My dog just ingested more than half of a stick of rat poison." They told me to get him to throw up by getting him to drink peroxide. Okay, can do. Let me just say easier said then done, but we did it. They then told me to get him to our vet and have them check him out, OR I could just skip all of the above and take him right to them.

Since he throw up with the peroxide we took him to our vet. They told us that when he vomited he got out anywhere from 20 to 80% of the poison, so they wanted to keep him for the day, give him fluids, give him a vitamin K1 shot, and keep an eye on him.

You see when you ingest rat poison it keeps your blood from clotting, so then it starts to drain from any opening from your body. So basically you bleed out. They wanted to keep an eye on him and make sure this did not start happening. The vitamin K1 shot (and the 30 pills that they gave me today) are suppose to help his blood start clotting again.

I got to pick him up around 5:30. We are now suppose to keep an eye on him ourselves, watch for any blood, watch his breathing, and give him vitamin K1 pills everyday for 30 days. We also have to take him back on Friday to have him checked. They are going to be checking to see if his blood is clotting at a good timing. I don't think my eyes have left him all night since he got home and I don't think that I have cried this much in a long time. He has been very sleepy and just laying around.

WHAT in the world have we done to our baby? Why did we still have the rat poison out in the garage? What if we had not caught him eating it? What if it would have been Christian who got a hold of it instead of Rockey?

Oh, dear God, I hope that he is going to be okay.

1 comment:

Heather and Travis said...

Oh Donna! I am so sorry that this happened. Our fur babies mean the world to us. I will be praying that everything is okay. I am SO glad you guys saw it and got to him in time. Please keep us posted!