Saturday, March 30, 2013

7 Months Old

I just can not believe that you are 7 months old already. I thought that Christian grew up fast, but you are growing up right before my eyes. Here are all your stats for 7 months.

Weight: We don't know for sure but daddy weighted you the other night and you were about 18 lbs, give or take.
Height:  Not sure your height right now. 
Head circumference:   Not sure about your head circumference either. 
Size of clothes: 6 to 9 months  
Size of diapers: 3. 
Eat: You are beginning to eat almost anything that we give you.  For a while you were real picky and would not eat for me.  However, all of that has changed.  Guess you just had to get used to it.  There are a couple of foods that you still do not beans and peaches.  You only eat once or twice a day.  However you are still getting your bottle.  You are so funny when you see that I have the bottle in my hand.  You get so excited because you know it is eating time.      
# of wake ups at night:  Zero wake ups at night.  You do want to get up are 6:30ish but if you are happy go lucky, I keep you there until 7:00.  You are just a happy baby.  You can sit in your crib and talk/ laugh at yourself. 
Health: Your health has been good. Still don't know about your heart and if the hole has closed up. We are waiting for the doctor to make the referral so we can go get it checked.  I am very anxious to see if it has closed up or if it is still there.  This weather has been a little crazy, so we are having a hard time getting rid of the stuffy noses. 
Milestones: Not to many milestones happened this month.  You are still sitting up and getting better and better.  You have rolled stomach to back a couple of time but sometimes when you get on your stomach you cry because you don't want to be there.  Sometimes you will solve it yourself and other times I have to roll you back over.  You have started taking a bath in your special duck bath.  You sure do love it, just like Christian did.    
Doesn't Likes: I can honestly say that I can not think of anything that you don't like. You are a very happy baby.
Loves: You still love to be talked to. When someone talks to you, you light up. It just melts my heart. You also love to be tickled, to fly through the air, to play in your exersaucer, and play with your big brother. You certainly think he is sooooooooooooo funny.
Smiles when: ALL the time.  Unless you are hungry or tired.     
Recent trips: No special trips; however, we did go Easter egg hunting at the park.  You got your picture taken with the Easter bunny. 


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